Friday, May 31, 2013

S y n c h r o n i c i t y


Tido fires up the bass. Mike kicks in a guitar rift. Steve feels around so he can fill in the blanks between the bass and the guitar. Barak's bravado brings this whole thing together. 

Four, who went from boys to men and from strangers to friends. The cause? A beautifully badass melodic mind-orgy. The effect? Just the same. And when Big Orange Band brings the pain, we all gain. 

Random. Maybe. 

Coordinated? Who gives a fuck!?!?!? 

I lost my girlfriend. I lost my motorcycle. I lost my motorcycle key. I lost purchasing power because some asshole tried to use my credit card number to buy muscle enhancement medication from fucking Switzerland. All! In! One! Weekend!

I almost lost my damn mind. 


Random? I don't know.

Coordinated? **Flips the middle finger to God**

But instead of having a huge pity party and feeling sorry for myself, I went to St. George Island. 
There I found peace. 

And peace of mind

I shed a tear. And that shed light. 

I didn't have any outer body experiences like the drummer of BOH, but I did come to have a deeper appreciation for not only the practical relationships, but also for the more conceptual relationships, those ones between ideas, nature, time and space. 

Gotta run. The Police are coming to take me away: Synchronicity

1 comment:

  1. This was a very unique blog. I really enjoyed the ending how you tied in the police, as I really enjoy that song. One issue that came up was that none of your images would load for me. I tried on two seperate computers and still nothing, so I wasn't really able to add a critique for them. The 4 orange heads was... different. It was funny because it was four orange heads, but I didn't really understand it. Your word choices however, were very fitting.. almost as if it's more than a blog, but a personal journal which was different, but in a good way. The uses of synchronicity were well developed, while not being over done and your personal touches were good. Hopefully those things didn't all actually happen to you.. espeically in one weekend. I liked that you took things that are beyond messed up and still managed to end on a high note with St.George Island. It was a good way of getting things onto a differnet supject without having them be disconnected from one another. Yet then bring things back into synchronicity, but on a higher note as in learning how to work with relationships. It was a good way to have things flip from negative with the loss of so much to positive with the trip to St. George Island and then the high note of developing relationships. I thought it was also nice how you started the blog with a musical reference and then managed to end it one too. Sharp, Aggresive, yet witty and calming at the end. Well done.
